Team 8 Capstone II Project Information Website

HTML5-based Property Sketch Web Application

University of Dayton
Department of Computer Science
CPS 491 - Spring 2019
Dr. Phu Phung

Project Context and Scope

For this project, we will be attempting to improve an existing sketch application in HTML5. The current application is used to sketch and calculate the area of existing houses. The application is used to estimate property values in neighborhoods by having workers go out and sketch these houses in the application. This information is stored and updated every few years. As for the scope of this project, our team will only be dealing with the sketching functionality and with the calculating of the area and perimeter of sketched polygons.

Project Management Information

Management board (private access)
Source code repository (private access)
Instructions on how to use the sketch application
Use the sketch application
Download full report

Team 8 members

  1. Caroline Gallo,
  2. Daniel Illg,
  3. Michael Carlotti,

Company Mentors

Dwayne Nickels, Architect

Chris Drake, Project Manager

Michael Lange, VP of Development

Tyler Technologies

1 Tyler Way

Moraine OH 45439

Demo Video

Or use this link to download the video.